Question | Answers | Source | Source Link | Dates Used | |
1 | Does your child have any of the following disabilities? Select all that apply | • Blind or serious difficulty seeing even when wearing glasses • Serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs • Due to a physical, mental, or emotional problem, difficulty remembering, concentrating, or making decisions • Other disabilities • No disabilities • Do not wish to disclose | NA | 11/10/2021-11/16/2021 | |
2 | In the past year, did your child need any of the following services? Please select all services needed. | • Specialist doctor • Physiotherapy • Occupational therapy • Mental health / psychology services • Dental services • Vision-related services • Hearing-related services • Home nursing care (e.g., suctioning, changing feeding tubes) • Nutritional / feeding advice • Other, please specify: | Adapted from Unmet Health Care Service Needs of Children with Disabilities
Seok Hong Tan | | 11/10/2021-11/16/2021 |
3 | In the past year, did your child receive any of the following services? Specialist doctor • Physiotherapy • Occupational therapy • Mental health / psychology services • Dental services • Vision-related services • Hearing-related services • Home nursing care (e.g., suctioning, changing feeding tubes) • Nutritional / feeding advice • Other, please specify: | • Yes, received fully in-person • Yes, received fully remotely • Yes, received both in-person and remotely • Sometimes/received some services/care • No, did not receive at all | Adapted from Unmet Health Care Service Needs of Children with Disabilities
Seok Hong Tan | | 11/10/2021-11/16/2021 |
4 | In the past year, did your child need any of the following assistive supports? Please select the assistive supports needed. | • Mobility aids (e.g., wheelchair, crutches) • Vision aids (e.g., glasses) • Hearing aids • Communication aids (e.g., flash cards, computer programs) • Disposable items (e.g., suction catheters, needles, syringes) • Medical equipment (e.g., portable ventilator, suction machine) • Modifications to the home (e.g., widened doorways, handrails) • Other, please specify: • N/A | Adapted from Unmet Health Care Service Needs of Children with Disabilities
Seok Hong Tan | | 11/10/2021-11/16/2021 |
5 | In the past year, did your child receive any of the following supports? Pleas select the assistive supports needed. | • Mobility aids (e.g., wheelchair, crutches) • Vision aids (e.g., glasses) • Hearing aids • Communication aids (e.g., flash cards, computer programs) • Disposable items (e.g., suction catheters, needles, syringes) • Medical equipment (e.g., portable ventilator, suction machine) • Modifications to the home (e.g., widened doorways, handrails) • Other, please specify: • N/A | Adapted from Unmet Health Care Service Needs of Children with Disabilities
Seok Hong Tan | | 11/10/2021-11/16/2021 |
6 | How satisfied were you with the services and supports provided? | • Very unsatisfied • Unsatisfied • Neutral • Satisfied • Very satisfied | Developed by RAPID team | NA | 11/10/2021-11/16/2021 |
7 | Did the services/supports meet your child(ren)'s needs? | • Yes • No • Sometimes | Developed by RAPID team | NA | 11/10/2021-11/16/2021 |
8 | What additional services and/or supports would meet your child(ren)'s needs? | Open ended response | Developed by RAPID team | NA | 11/10/2021-11/16/2021 |