Question | Answers | Source | Source Link | Dates Used | |
1 | Do you currently have overdue bills and/or debt? By this we mean rent, mortgage, utility, medical, student loan, credit card, or other bills that are past due. Please also consider money you have borrowed from family or friends that you need to repay. | • Yes • No | Donna Pavetti at Center on Budget Policy and Priorities | NA | 05/02/2021-05/13/2021 |
2 | How much do you owe for each of the following that is past due or unpaid? Please note that we are asking only about the amount that has accrued in the month(s) that you have been unable to pay. For example, if you have a $200/month car payment that is two months overdue, the answer would be $400, not the amount of the car loan. If you do not know the exact amount, please do you best to estimate to the nearest $1,000. If you do not have any debt in the category, please enter a 0. | • Rent (past due) [text entry] • Mortgage payments (past due) [text entry] • Medical bills (past due) [text entry] • Utility bills (past due) [text entry] • Credit card balances [text entry] • Student loan balances [text entry] • Loans from family or friends [text entry] • Other unpaid bills [text entry] | Donna Pavetti at Center on Budget Policy and Priorities | NA | 05/02/2021-05/13/2021 |
3 | Have you used any of the following to reduce your debt in the last month? (select all that apply): | • Child Tax Credit • Stimulus payment • Housing assistance • Utility assistance • Employment income • Loans from family or friends • Other (please specify): [text entry] • Not applicable | Donna Pavetti at Center on Budget Policy and Priorities | NA | 05/02/2021-05/13/2021 |
4 | How does the amount of debt you have now compare to the amount of debt you had in February 2020 (before the pandemic)? | • Much lower • Slightly lower • About the same • Slightly higher • Much higher | Donna Pavetti at Center on Budget Policy and Priorities | NA | 05/02/2021-05/13/2021 |
5 | When you don’t have enough money to pay all your bills, how do you decide which bills to pay? | Open ended response | Donna Pavetti at Center on Budget Policy and Priorities | NA | 05/02/2021-05/13/2021 |
6 | What would you like your policymakers to know about your debt, including the debt you’ve accrued during the pandemic? | Open ended response | RAPID Developed | NA | 05/02/2021-05/13/2021 |
7 | Many families have found that they have had difficulty paying for housing and utilities, among other basic needs, during the pandemic. Please describe your circumstances. Please describe your housing status: | • I rent the home I live in • I own the home I live in • I am currently houseless | NA | 08/04/2021-08/06/2021 | |
8 | How far behind in mortgage payments are you? | • Not behind • 1-3 months behind • 3-6 months behind • More than 6 months behind | NA | 08/04/2021-08/06/2021 | |
9 | How far behind in rent are you? | • Not behind • 1-3 months behind • 3-6 months behind • More than 6 months behind | NA | 08/04/2021-08/06/2021 | |
10 | If you pay utilities, how far behind in utility payments are you? | • Not behind • 1-3 months behind • 3-6 months behind • More than 6 months behind • N/A | NA | 08/04/2021-08/06/2021 |