Instructions: In this set of questions we would like to know what the school reopening plans for all your school-aged children.
Question | Answers | Source | Source Link | Dates Used |
In the past two weeks, how many times did your employer or child care program cancel/close due to a COVID-19 exposure? | 0-20 | NA | 01/11/2021-01/22/2021 | |
In the past two weeks, how many times did your employer or child care program cancel/close due to staffing challenges? | 0-20 | NA | 01/11/2021-01/22/2021 | |
How confident are you that your job providing care or your child care program will remain open this month (January)? | • Extremely confident • Somewhat confident • Not at all confident • N/A | NA | 01/11/2021-01/22/2021 | |
What COVID-19 precautions are being taken when you provide childcare? Select all that apply. | • Routine testing among adults • Routine testing of children • Time off provided to get the COVID-19 vaccine • COVID-19 vaccine requirement • Mask requirements for adults • Mask requirements for children • Policies to provide extra time for cleaning • Other please specify | NA | 01/11/2021-01/22/2021 | |
Rate the clarity of the guidance you have received from local, state or federal agencies about quarantines and classroom closures following a COVID-19 case. | • Very clear • Somewhat clear • Not at all clear | NA | 01/11/2021-01/22/2021 | |
Rate your level of confidence in your program or center's current COVID-19 procedure's ability to keep staff and children safe. | • Very confident • Somewhat confident • Not at all confident | NA | 01/11/2021-01/22/2021 | |
Do you think parents have been accurately communicating their children's exposure to COVID-19? | • Yes • No • I do not know | NA | 01/11/2021-01/22/2021 | |
Since, September 2021, has your child care program or center experienced changes in enrollment? | • No changes in enrollment • Yes, a decrease in enrollment • Yes, an increase in enrollment | NA | 01/11/2021-01/22/2021 |