Question | Answers | Source | Source Link | Dates Used | |
1 | Have you had a baby since March 2020 or are you currently pregnant? Select all that apply. | • Yes, I had a baby since March 2020 • Yes, I am currently pregnant • No | NA | 05/25/2021-05/28/2021 08/04/2021-08/06/2021 02/09/2023-02/15/2023 06/07/2023-06/14/2023 | |
2 | In what month was your baby born? | January - December | NA | 02/09/2023-02/15/2023 06/07/2023-06/14/2023 | |
3 | In what year was your baby born? | 2020 - 2023 | NA | 02/09/2023-02/15/2023 06/07/2023-06/14/2023 | |
4 | In what month was your baby born? | March 2020 - May 2021 | NA | 05/25/2021-05/28/2021 08/04/2021-08/06/2021 | |
5 | You indicated that you have a had a baby SINCE March 2020. Thinking about the first two months after giving birth, how much did your physical health interfere with your ability to care for your baby? | • Not at all • Some • A fair amount • Quite a bit • A great deal | NA | 05/25/2021-05/28/2021 08/04/2021-08/06/2021 02/09/2023-02/15/2023 06/07/2023-06/14/2023 | |
6 | Thinking about the first two months after giving birth, how much did your emotional well-being interfere with your ability to care for your baby? | • Not at all • Some • A fair amount • Quite a bit • A great deal | NA | 05/25/2021-05/28/2021 08/04/2021-08/06/2021 02/09/2023-02/15/2023 06/07/2023-06/14/2023 | |
7 | Some birthing people use the following words to describe their feelings in the weeks and months after birth. Thinking back to the first two months after you gave birth, did you feel…? Confident Unsure Isolated Supported Messy Organized Rested Tired | • Yes • No | NA | 02/09/2023-02/15/2023 06/07/2023-06/14/2023 | |
8 | Some women use the following words to describe their feelings in the weeks and months after birth. Thinking back to the first two months after you gave birth, did you feel…? | • Confident • Unsure • Isolated • Supported • Messy • Organized • Rested • Tired | NA | 05/25/2021-05/28/2021 08/04/2021-08/06/2021 | |
9 | Thinking about the past two weeks, how well do you think you are doing with each of the following? -Getting enough exercise -Eating a healthy diet -Managing stress -Getting enough sleep | • Not at well • Well • Fairly well • Very well • Extremely well | NA | 05/25/2021-05/28/2021 | |
10 | Thinking about the past two weeks, how well do you think you are doing with each of the following? -Getting enough exercise -Eating a healthy diet -Managing stress -Getting enough sleep | • Not at all well • Somewhat well • Fairly well • Very well • Extremely well | NA | 02/09/2023-02/15/2023 |