The following questions were developed in collaboration with Grandparents United.
Question | Answers | Source | Source Link | Dates Used | |
1 | How are you related to the children you are raising? | • Birth parent or adoptive parent • Grandparent • Other relative • Close family friend • Member of same tribe/clan • Foster parent • Other | Generations United provided | NA | 10/05/2020-10/08/2020 12/15/2020-12/17/2020 |
2 | Are any of your children’s grandparents currently living? | • Yes • No | Developed by RAPID Team | NA | 10/05/2020-10/08/2020 12/15/2020-12/17/2020 |
3 | [Skip To: End of Block If Are any of your children’s grandparents currently living? = No] Is there a grandparent living in the household? | • Yes • No | Developed by RAPID Team | NA | 10/05/2020-10/08/2020 12/15/2020-12/17/2020 |
4 | [Display this question: If Is there a grandparent living in the household? = Yes] Is the grandparent helping with the household? | • Yes • No | Developed by RAPID Team | NA | 10/05/2020-10/08/2020 12/15/2020-12/17/2020 |
5 | Did you move in with a grandparent or has a grandparent moved in with you since the pandemic began? | • Yes, I moved in with a grandparent • Yes, grandparent moved in with me • No | Developed by RAPID Team | NA | 10/05/2020-10/08/2020 12/15/2020-12/17/2020 |
6 | [Display this question If Did you move in with a grandparent or has a grandparent moved in with you since the pandemic began? = Yes, I moved in with a grandparent or Did you move in with a grandparent or has a grandparent moved in with you since the pandemic began? = Yes, grandparent moved in with me] Why? | • To be together and avoid being isolated apart • To provide childcare • For support with household | Developed by RAPID Team | NA | 10/05/2020-10/08/2020 12/15/2020-12/17/2020 |
7 | Does your child spend time with one or more grandparent? | • Yes • No | Developed by RAPID Team | NA | 10/05/2020-10/08/2020 12/15/2020-12/17/2020 |
8 | [Display this question If Does your child spend time with one or more grandparent? = Yes] In what way does your child spend time with their grandparent(s)? Select all that apply. | • In-person to provide necessary childcare coverage • In-person to play, bond, give parents a break • In-person when we are together as a family • Through video chat (e.g., Facetime, Zoom, Skype, etc.) or other screen time | Developed by RAPID Team | NA | 10/05/2020-10/08/2020 12/15/2020-12/17/2020 |
9 | Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, did your child(ren)’s grandparents help with you and your child(ren)? Please select all the conditions that apply: | • My child(ren)’s grandparent(s) provided help for us remotely • My child(ren)’s grandparent(s) provided help for us in person • My child(ren)’s grandparent(s) did not provide help for us | Developed by RAPID Team | NA | 10/05/2020-10/08/2020 12/15/2020-12/17/2020 |
10 | [Display this question If Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, did your child(ren)’s grandparents help with you and your child(r... = My child(ren)’s grandparent(s) provided help for us remotely Or Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, did your child(ren)’s grandparents help with you and your child(r... = My child(ren)’s grandparent(s) provided help for us in person] In what ways did your child(ren)’s grandparent(s) provide help for you and your child(ren)? | • Financially, helped us pay for bills, rent/mortgage, food, or other • Emotional support • Helped us with chores • Played with the child(ren)•Helped with child(ren)'s learning activities • Helped take care of my child(ren), ex. feeding, bathing etc. | Developed by RAPID Team | NA | 10/05/2020-10/08/2020 12/15/2020-12/17/2020 |